2 Methods for Enabling Custom Backup Names for System Folders (Dropbox / macOS Monterey)

<aside> 💡 PLEASE READ THROUGH CAREFULLY! The first method I mention may leave the Dropbox Backup Software in a confused state that doesn’t allow for automatic backing out of. Make any changes AT YOUR OWN RISK. Please try to understand what is happening and make your changes with caution. Questions or comments are welcome.





Set up a backup scheme for User directories (or perhaps more generally any arbitrary directory) in a location of the user’s choice within the Dropbox folder.


By nature some system directories naturally reside in the User’s home folder and can not readily be moved or replaced without moving the entire Home directory to another location in its entirety.

System Folders such as User directories “Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Movies, Pictures” are protected by macOS to prevent incidental changes.

Dropbox software allows for configuration of a “Backup” where such User system folders can be enabled(and disabled) to form a backup set in a folder created in the Dropbox account with a Folder assigned to represent a name for that computer, e.g. “Macbook” “Mac (2)” “<Username>’s Macbook Pro” etc…

With multiple computers connected to the Dropbox account each will have its own folder assigned to represent the User folders as enabled for each system’s “Backup” setting.

The name for such folders is not configurable at the current time.

2 Computers set up for backup by Dropbox (but the names are not configurable)

2 Computers set up for backup by Dropbox (but the names are not configurable)

Upon enabling the Backup, changes are made to the User’s directories such that a symbolic link is created in the User Home directory with the original name (e.g. Desktop, Documents, etc) as a reference to the Dropbox location for actual data storage.

Thus, all the User’s backed up content will be promulgated through the User’s Dropbox account to all other connected devices.

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